Understanding wildcards
A wildcard (or placeholder) allows you to insert a dynamic value into a field in Motorcentral which will then automatically update itself with the latest value of that wildcard.
For example, imagine in the Vehicle Description field of a vehicle you have the following sentence:
"This vehicle represents extremely good value at only $9,995 driveaway!"
This is great but what happens if you decide to change the Retail Price of that vehicle to $9,495. Automatically your website, Trade Me etc will have the latest price - $9,495 - of the vehicle, but unless you've remembered to also update the description of the vehicle you'll still be saying "this vehicle represents extremely good value at only $9,995 driveaway!"

Instead wouldn't it be great if you could insert {RetailPrice} into your sentence - ie.
"This vehicle represents extremely good value at only ${RetailPrice} driveaway!" - which would automatically grab the current Retail Price of the vehicle and add it automatically prior to sending to your website, Trade Me etc.

Well the good news is you can - with wildcards.
We have a large list of wildcards available (see below) and it's as simple as inserting them wherever you want them to appear. Wildcards always appear between curly brackets and you must type them exactly as shown on the list below.
Other examples include:
- In taglines you could automatically insert "FROM ONLY $XX.XX per week" using the {CalculatePayment} wildcard
- Insert in your descriptions, "When enquiring on this vehicle please quote Stock No. XXXX" using the {StockNo} wildcard
Weekly Finance Repayment Calculations with the {CalculatePayment} wildcard
Motorcentral can automatically calculate a weekly finance repayment amount for a vehicle based on it's Special or Retail price.
To insert this, simply add the {CalcuatePayment} wildcard in the following format:
A | Number of periods in the term eg. 48 |
B | Type of period, can be Day, Week, Fortnight, Month or Year |
C | Interest Rate eg. 14.95 |
D | Loan Fees eg. 450 |
E | Deposit Type, can be Amount or Percent |
F | Deposit Amount, eg 10 |
G | Output Number Format, eg $0.00 |
For example to calculate the weekly repayments of a vehicle over 36 months at an interest rate of 14.95% with a $450 doc fee and a 20% deposit required, you would use the wildcard {CalculatePayment(36,Month,14.95,450,Percent,20,$0.00)}.
List of wildcards
{Manufacturer} | Vehicle Manufacturer eg. Honda |
{Model} | Vehicle Model eg. CR-V |
{Variant} | Vehicle Model Variant eg. 4WD |
{ShortDesc} | Tagline |
{VehicleStatus} | Vehicle Status eg. In Transit, On Yard |
{StockNo} | Vehicle Stock Number |
{ManuYear} | Vehicle Year |
{FuelType1} | Vehicle Fuel Type eg. Diesel |
{Transmission} | Vehicle Transmission eg. Automatic |
{Description} | Vehicle Description/Comments |
{CustomField1-6} | Vehicle Custom Fields 1 thru 6 |
{RetailPriceAmountInclDisplay} | Vehicle Retail Price |
{WholesalePriceAmountInclDisplay} | Vehicle Wholesale Price |
{Other1PriceAmountInclDisplay} | Vehicle Special Price |
{Other2PriceAmountInclDisplay} | Vehicle On Road Cost Price |
{AllFeatures} | All Vehicle Features combined |
If you would like help in setting these up please contact our support team on 0800 623 687 or email support@motorcentral.co.nz
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