The Imported Purchased Vehicles function inside Motorcentral enables you to import one or more vehicles into Motorcentral at once. It's an efficient way to add vehicles from suppliers and reduces the chance of human error over manual entry.
How to import purchased vehicles into stock
Step 1: Navigate to Quick Entry > Import Purchased Vehicles
Step 2: Choose a supplier (you can select All) from the drop down list > Check for Updates
Once you select Check for Updates, new vehicles will download from the supplier/s.
Step 3: Add the vehicle/s to stock
Once all updated information is downloaded (as shown below), the user now has the ability to add the vehicle/s to stock, this can be completed in two ways:
- Per Vehicle, or
- Bulk Vehicle Import
Per Vehicle Download: Click on the vehicle to be imported into Motorcentral, the line selected will highlight blue.
Click on Process in the bottom right corner of the screen and select the required action:
- Add to Stock – add vehicle to stock (keeps using on the Import Purchase screen)
- Add to Stock as – this option allows the user to import items such as Boats, Caravans, Motorcycles and Trailers
- Add to Stock and open – adds the vehicle to stock and opens the vehicle window to allow editing
Multiple Vehicle Download:
- To select multiple vehicles - hold down CTRL on the keyboard and click on each vehicle to be included > Process on the bottom right of the screen > Add to Stock
- To select all vehicles - click on one vehicle and select CTRL A (this will select all vehicles) > Process > Add All New Vehicles to Stock
A prompt will confirm the action and advise how many vehicles will be added to stock.
What to do when a Vehicle Status has been changed
In the case that a change of vehicle information has been sent from the supplier, the vehicle will appear in the list with Changed as the status (as per below).
Select the vehicle to update, click on Process and select Update Existing Vehicle. This will update the vehicle's information inside Motorcentral.
Removing Vehicles from the Import List
- Removing an individual vehicle from the list - Click on the vehicle you'd like to remove so it's highlighted blue > Process > Remove from List.
Note: The vehicle will be removed permanently, it will not return when a new download is completed.
- Removing all vehicles from the import list - Process > Remove All Vehicles from List.
Note: The vehicles will be removed permanently, they will not return when a new download is completed.
Connecting Vehicle Importer/Shipping Agent with Motorcentral
Please contact our support team for assistance with the initial connection of your Vehicle Importer/Shipping Agent with Motorcentral. Motorcentral currently connects with the below Vehicle Importers & Shipping Agents:
- Auto Portal
- Auto Supply
- Autohub
- Autoterminal
- Davey Japan
- Dolphin Shipping
- Enhance Auto
- Heiwa Auto
- IBC Japan
- Nichibo Japan
- Nikkyo Cars
- Simon Beirne
- World Navi
Note: An account will need to be established between the Dealer & Importer/Shipping agent directly before Motorcentral can commence the setup.
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