2 March 2020
A new version of Motorcentral DMS is now available for download.
Please Note: This version will no longer work on computers installed with Windows 8 and you will need to upgrade those computers to Windows 8.1. This is a free service provided by Microsoft. More info can be found here or contact our Support Team for assistance.
Feature Highlights
Address & Company AutocompleteAddress fields in Motorcentral will now auto-suggest addresses as you type (from a list of known NZ addresses). Simply begin to type the address and then select from the options presented to auto-complete the entire address into the appropriate address fields. In a similar manner you can now begin to type a company name (in an appropriate field) and auto-suggestions based on the NZ Companies Office records will appear. If you select a company from the list, other information available made available via the Companies Office will also auto-poulate into fields within the Contact record. |
Suppress Overlays & Image Posters for Trade MeTrade Me are introducing new policies on the 9th March 2020, regarding images on vehicle listings. This means you can no longer use image overlays and are allowed only up to 2 non-vehicle images per listing. As a result we've introduced options to disable overlays and image posters when exporting to Trade Me. For more information please visit this help article. |
Boat & Marine updateWe've added a number of new properties to our Boat vehicle class. Now when adding a boat to stock you can record more specific characteristics that pertain marine vessels exclusively. |
More Features in this Release:
- Increased vehicle image resolution to 1280 x 960px (ie. allows larger images for sites like Trade Me and your own website)
- Can now disable vehicle-related AMPD campaigns for specific vehicles. More info here.
- Automatically adds an Outgoing SMS activity when an AMPD-related Incoming SMS reply is received
- VOSA update - added additional details to insurance products display
- When creating a Purchase Order from within a vehicle, the dealership is now defaulted to that of the vehicles owner dealership
- Bulk Expense Entry screens will now retry saving all entered expenses if a custom script stops the saving process
- Improved the mechanisms of how Finance Company defaults are set on Quotes
- Vehicles opened via Opportunities are now loaded in full and all data including landed cost is displayed
- MBI setup screen now displays the purchase cost and sale price next to each product in the list
- Added 'Underwriting Required' status to some Autosure products. These products will require manual approval by Autosure meaning you can add them to a sale but you will not be able to bind these policies via Motorcentral.
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