27 May 2020
A new version of Motorcentral DMS is now available for download.
Download Now
Please Note: This version will no longer work on computers installed with Windows 8 and you will need to upgrade those computers to Windows 8.1. This is a free service provided by Microsoft or contact our Support Team for assistance.
Feature Highlights
Sign documents electronically
Now you can send sale documents to customers for reviewing and signing electronically. Great for out of town buyers and minimising physical contact.
Simply 'request digital signing' from within a Sale Agreement and your customer will be sent documents via email with the ability to electronically sign them.
Check out our intro video below for a quick understanding of how easy it is to apply this to your business.
Sell more online with Dealbuilder (Pilot)
Note: this product requires Finance Central. Sign up today.
Dealbuilder allows your customers to build themselves a 'deal' by adding additional extras to a vehicle they are currently looking at online - and is a great opportunity for you to upsell these products.
Customers are stepped through a wizard where they can view and add options for audio, towbars, tinted windows, paint protection etc plus more - all items that you currently sell at your dealership.
From there, a customer can then opt to apply for finance (with Finance Central) with all those items added to the deal.
We are currently running a short pilot before launching officially, so if you're interested in participating please let us know via the link below, otherwise check out the live demo to see it in action.
Dealbuilder can be launched from vehicle listings on Trade Me, Autotrader, Need A Car and your own website.
Other features in this release
- Added ability to exclude image overlay and posters when exporting to Trade Me via Direct API (ie not via Dealerbase).
- Added ability to override the default terms & conditions displayed on the test drive form. Navigate to Tools > Reports > Test Drive Agreement > Edit to modify.
- Can now disconnect Organisations when configuring Xero.
- Improvements to speed performance when exporting sale & purchases invoices in Xero.
- Credit card liability and expense fields added to Finance Application form.
- New indicator added to test drive activity for determining if customer was accompanied by salesperson or not.
- Test Drive conversion report updated to display if test drive had salesperson accompanying or not.
- Background Check now displays 'NZ New' under Damaged Import Check status if vehicle is not an import.
- Business Manager can now be added to Quote and Finance Application activity types.
- Vehicle photos are now auto-rotated if taken 'wrong way up' on a mobile device
- Contact search now has 'Status type' filter. ie. Active/Inactive
- Event Log now automatically purges any event record more than 1 year old.
- Added changes to comply with new Trade Me rules regarding vehicle odometer when sending vehicles via the Trade Me API
- Improvements to speed performance for vehicle and sale save operations
- Improvements to speed performance for advertising and notifications
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